
We provide various types of training programs and educational seminars, including instructor led training, workshop and coursework.  MAPA training consultants have vast experience in the field of industrial relations, labour laws, human capital management and occupational, safety and health. They will be able to tailor a program that specifically addresses your learning and performance needs and can be provided at any skill level.

Currently we offer the following in-house training programs:-

  1. Guidelines on Dealing with Dismissal and Employment Misconduct
  2. A Practical and Legal Approach to Conducting Domestic Inquiry
  3. Mock Inquiry
  4. Conducting an Effective Domestic Inquiry
  5. Handling of Discipline and Grievances Effectively
  6. Misconduct at the Workplace
  7. The Employment Contract – Terms and Conditions of Service
  8. Legal Rights and Obligations of Employers and Employees
  9. The Benefits of a Productivity-Linked Wage System
  10. The Employment Act, 1955: Scope and its Implementation
  11. Collective Agreements:  Scope and its Implementation
  12. Status and Rights of Probationers
  13. Condonation and Disciplinary Action
  14. Dismissal, Redundancy and Retrenchment
  15. How to deal with Late Comers and Absenteeism
  16. Social Security and Provident Fund
  17. The Law on the Employment of Foreign Workers
  18. Workers’ Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities Act, 1990; The implementation process
  19. The Right To Transfer
  20. Retirement: Inference and Implication
  21. Maternity Protection
  22. The Doctrine of Constructive Dismissal
  23. Understanding Labour Laws
  24. Industrial Court Awards on Insubordination
  25. Termination on Medical Grounds: Law and Practice
  26. The Law relating to Absenteeism in the Workplace
  27. OSH: Theories of Accident Causation in the Workplace
  28. Negligence in the Context of Employment
  29. Handling Conflict & Employee Discipline at Work
  30. How to prepare the Inquiry Report and Findings of a Disciplinary Inquiry
  31. An Understanding of Collective Agreements, Trade Dispute & Industrial Actions
  32. Post-Retirement Employment: Law & Practice
  33. Managing Problematic Employees: A Practical Approach
  34. Sexual Harassment and Handling of Sexual Harassment
  35. Guidelines in Framing Allegations of Employment Misconducts
  36. The Law relating to Suspension of Employees
  37. The Doctrine of Forced Resignation
  38. The Law relating to Unsatisfactory Work Performance
  39. The Legal Aspects of Fixed-Term Employment Contracts
  40. Handling Absenteeism & Tardiness in the Workplace
  41. The Calculation of Average Earnings & Ordinary Rate of Pay (ORP)
  42. Employers’ Obligation under the OSH Act 1994
  43. Labour Ordinance of Sabah (Amendment) Act 2005
  44. Labour Ordinance of Sarawak (Amendment) Act 2005

Should any organization require any other programs please contact the relevant regional offices.